General terms and conditions

    1. Our invoices are payable in cash at Wielsbeke. Our conditions do not incorporate any deviation from this rule.
    2. Each offer is subject to reply by return of post.
    3. All goods are despatched at buyer’s risk, even if transport costs are included in the price (“franco”).
    4. Claims cannot be entertained unless made within 8 days of arrival of the goods.
    5.  Delivery times agreed are not cast-iron and any delay in delivery does not constitute cause for claims of damages or interest charges. The following warranty is given in lieu of all other warranties, be they express or implicit, particularly as our goods are manufactured from “Standard” commercially available raw materials by competent craftsmen. The case of force majeure generally frees us from all responsibility, no matter what form it takes. Force majeure includes accidents, faulty materials, manufacturing failures, lack of workers, strikes, lock-outs, disorder, governmental interference, political change, war, fire, shipwreck, epidemics, quarantine, riots, floods,sea damage and all other causes which could have the effect of hampering our manufacture and supply and which are not within the reasonable control of the seller. We reserve the right in the case of force majeure either to scale down deliveries proportionally to the time or to prolonge the contract with proportionally time of the force majeure. In no case can we accept responsibility for faulty installation.
    6. We do not permit any clauses printed on the buyer’s letters, invoices, statements, order forms etc. The seller has the right to invoice the buyer for
      any empty cartridges in cases where the latter has not ordered full cartridges for more than 2 months since the last order for full cartridges.
    7. Any delay payment will result, of right and after final notice, in an interest charge of 15% per annum. In this case, we reserve the right to suspend or completely cancel, by means of a registered letter, all contracts for goods which remain undelivered as well as for any other contracts which may be in force at that time, without bringing upon ourselves any responsibility as a result thereof.
    8. The Commercial Tribunal in Courtrai will be the competent body in any case of desputes.
    9. Legal compensation can be opposed by ourselves, whatever the cause and to all the parties, between the amounts we owe to our suppliers and those which they themselves owe to us. All transactions are carried out according to these conditions ; in no case can there be any exceptions, even of these conditions have not been repeated.
    10. In the case of non-payment on maturity, due to negligence or dishonesty, the outstanding amount will be increased by 15% or a minimum of €123,94 and a maximum of €1859,20, excluding all charges, as a conventional penalty clause and without final notice.
    11. In the case of non-payment on maturity, the sale can be cancelled of right, 8 days after sending a final demand by registed post. The goods remain the property of the seller until the invoice is settled in full. The buyer is responsible after accepting delivery for all risks of loss or damage. The advances paid shall remain vested in the seller to compensate for potential losses upon resale.
    12. All information, instructions and recommendations coming from our company concerning the performances, the technical data, the applications, the concept, as well as the use of our products, are given in full loyalty and correspond to a normal use of our products. In cases where we have no control over conditions and application methods of our products, we decline all responsibility towards every buyer, user or third, concerning the services given by our products, the concept, the technical data and the performances of our products. In no case can we accept responsibility for faults due to incorrect use of our products. Therefore it is necessary that the user himself tests if the material is adequat to the particular
      application he wants.
    13. In the event that the buyer resells goods belonging to the seller, even processed, the buyer will from now on transfer all claims arising from this resale to the seller .
    14. The title in the goods shall pass to the Buyer only when payment in full has been received by the Seller for all goods whatsoever supplied (and all services rendered) at any time by the Seller to the Buyer. The Buyer shall permit the servants or agents of the Seller to enter on to the Buyer’s premises and repossess the goods at any time prior thereto. As long as payment has not been effected the Buyer cannot sell, pledge or offer goods as guarantee or collateral security. Should the goods (or any of them) be converted into a new product, whether or not such conversion involves the admixture of any other goods or thing whatsoever and in whatever proportions, the conversion shall be deemed to have been effected
      on behalf of the Seller and the Seller shall have the full legal and beneficial ownership of the new products,but whithout accepting any liability whatsoever is respect of such converted goods in relation to any third party, and the Buyer hereby indemnifies the Seller in relation thereto. In the case of non-payment at the due date and upon demand the Buyer must return forthwith to the Seller all merchandise unpaid for

Postal address and production: Roterijstraat 201-203, 8793 Waregem - België
Head office and warehouse: Splenterbeekstraat 4, 8710 Wielsbeke - België