Discover our handy productfinder

We are proud to present our new Productfinder to you. This online tool helps you to easily find the right product. Starting completely from scratch, already have a certain color in mind or just need some help determining the quantity? Productfinder is your ideal assistant time after time! 

How does it work?

The Productfinder guides you like a true product specialist. Depending on the project and application, the tool asks targeted questions. In contrast to other configurators, Productfinder works in great detail. So you can find the ideal product in no time! Moreover, you always have it in your pocket: Productfinder is also easy to use on the move.

Wondering how the Productfinder can help you?

1. I am looking for the right product.

At product level, questions about the room, the substrate, the desired result, etc. lead you to the ideal solution. 


2. I already have a color in mind.

The first questions are about the color shade, then at product level the perfect solution is suggested.


3. I want to calculate how much joint product I need.

The calculator calculates the right amount based on the type of joint product, the surface area and the type of packaging.